Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Diabetes - Could You Be Diabetic Without Knowing It?

Many people are diabetic without realising it. Could you be one of them? This is a huge problem which the medical profession is faced with on a daily basis. As the average age of the population increases more and more people reach the age of 65 which is the point at which diabetes becomes more prevalent. In addition to this more people under the age of 65 get very little exercise which is another factor in the increasing prevalence of diabetes.

Obesity is a strong risk factor and we all know how many obese people we now have in our modern society. Even worse we have a whole generation of obese children who are at strong risk of becoming diabetic quite early in life. Obesity and lack of exercise has become a huge problem in North American children and threatens to overwhelm the medical system with diabetics in the years ahead. Treatment for diabetes is costly and can go on for many years in most cases.

How can you tell if you, or others in your family, are diabetic? There are a number of common signs or symptoms to look out for.
1. Fatigue and lack of energy.
2. Foods don't taste quite right.
3. Minor wounds, bruises and cuts don't heal quickly.
4. Recurring or frequent infections.
5. Vision is poor and blurred.
6. Hands and feet experience numbness or tingling sensations.
7. Continuing extreme thirst.

These are some of the most common symptoms which should cause you to seek medical advice.

Many people who have type 2 diabetes may have no obvious symptoms. If you do not have diabetes at present there are some factors which put you at risk for developing the disease.
1. Someone else in your immediate family has diabetes or there is a history of diabetes in your family.
2. You are over age 65 or younger than 65 but do not get exercise.
3. You are overweight.
4. You have given birth to a bay which weighed over 9 lb (4 kg).

If you have any reason to believe that you may be diabetic you should seek medical advice as soon as possible. The sooner proper treatment is begun the better chance you have to control the disease and stay in good health.

John Mowatt is a writer who is interested in health and fitness. He writes on other subjects also. See his website at washer dryer combo and also at:
home burglar alarm

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Diabetes and Obesity - Is Sugar the Cause?

Is it possible that a natural sugar which is found in fruit could be one of the main causes of childhood obesity and of diabetes? It would probably be foolish to suggest that any one thing is THE cause, but a 10 week study including 16 subjects on a strictly controlled diet, has produced evidence that fructose is at least one of the causes. The study found that fructose, a natural sugar found in small amounts in fruit, is a significant player in the problem. Fructose can be produced very cheaply from corn. As a result it is used to sweeten thousands of products such as soft drinks, cakes and pastries, cereals, yogurt and even salad dressings, to mention just a few.

Not only that but a recent study has determined that fructose, consumed in large quantities, produces a layer of fat cells around the heart, liver and certain other organs. Fructose is not digested in the way that other sugars are. It arrives undigested and intact in the liver where it results in a number of abnormal reactions including breakdown of the messages which result in the body either burning or storing fat. A molecular biologist who led this study has stated that this is the first evidence that fructose increases diabetes and heart disease.

Fructose represents 5 to 10 percent of the weight of fruit. It is produced from corn by a process of synthesis which produces a corn syrup with 55 percent fructose and 45 percent glucose. This syrup is six times sweeter than cane sugar and costs less. This high fructose corn syrup is used in the production of many food and drink products. Glucose, unlike fructose, is digested in the normal way and the study found that it did not cause these problems, in subjects who consumed glucose only, with no fructose.

Sugar is a product which the human body does not process well. We are not designed to consume the large quantities of sugar that have become a part of our modern diet. Whether that sugar be sucrose (cane sugar), fructose or glucose it is definitely advisable to keep its consumption to a minimum. It remains to be proven whether consumption of fructose in its natural form in fruit is equally dangerous. My gut instinct tells me that fruit consumption is not only safe but is also healthy, since mankind has consumed fruits and vegetables for millions of years.

John Mowatt is a writer who is interested in health and fitness.He writes about other subjects also. See his website at washer dryer combos and also at wigs for women

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List of 10 Healthiest Foods For Diabetics Help to Treat Diabetic Symptoms

The key to managing diabetes successfully is eating right. If your daily foods plan incorporate tasteless foods that taste like a medicine, then I'm happy that you have reached the right place. Here you will find a list of 10 healthiest foods. These foods not only lessen the level of blood sugar but at the same time also help in treating the diabetic symptoms. Let us proceed.

Vegetables: The advantages of eating the right kind of foods are uncountable. Vegetables are the energy house of many healthy nutrients. They are naturally low in their calorie content but rich in dietary fiber. If the person fills its plate with a lot of vegetables then this will ensure that he is consuming less simple carbohydrates but a lot of saturated fats. One must strive to eat around 5 servings of vegetables in one day. One serving of vegetables mean half cup of canned or cooked vegetables or 1 cup of raw vegetables.

Fruits: Fruits contain plenty of calories and some amount of natural sugar as well. This is the reason that fruits cannot be eaten in plentiful amount. The fruits carry all those benefits that vegetables have. The fruits are full of the nutrients the body needed. The best thing however about fruits is that they are jam-packed with antioxidants. These antioxidants help the body in protecting nerves, eyes and heart. One must aim to get 3 to 4 servings of fruits in one day. One serving of fruits means 1 whole fruit. The juice is not recommended as most nutrients are found in the seed, skin and pulp of the fruit. The calorie content of 1 glass of juice is also much more concentrated compared to 1 whole fruit.

Beans: The best source of dietary fiber is beans. Dietary fiber helps in reducing the speed of digestion. It prevents the level of blood sugar soon after meals. It also help to lower down the level of blood sugar. It gives the person a feeling of being full. The best idea is to add some canned beans in different salads. Split peas, lentil soup, black beans are excellent choices for lunch.

Cereals: A bowl of cereal provides an excellent chance of packing dietary fiber for the whole day. Studies have suggested the individuals who start their day with a cereal full of dietary fiber, do not enter binge eating throughout the day. So it is good to make a nice and wise selection of the breakfast. One can also top the cereal with the fruit of his choice.

Fish: Fish is the best source of protein. It is a best substitute of other meats that are high in fat content. It is an excellent source of omega fatty acids. Most diabetics have to suffer with high-level of triglycerides and low level of HDL. The fish contains omega fatty acids that have the potential to improve both values. It is good if diabetic eat fish twice in one week. Some other idea sources of omega fatty acids are tuna, salmon and mackerel.

Chicken breast: The breast is the leanest part of the chicken. It has a low calorie count. A 3 ounce serving of chicken 3 gm fat and 140 calories. Another choice of lean meat is turkey breast.

Nuts: Nuts are full of healthy fats. They have a potential to fight against cardiovascular problems. The healthy fat content of nuts helps to lessen the insulin resistance. The blood sugar control also becomes much easier by consuming handful of nuts. These are also a good source of vitamin E. These are antioxidants that prevent the damage to the nerves. Nuts are full of dietary fiber and magnesium. Nuts help the person in losing weight though thy are high in their calorie content.

Olive oil: Olive oil is full of healthy fats. It helps to maintain the better control on sugar level. Studies have revealed that olive oil helps to decrease the resistance towards insulin. The best idea is to toss the butter and cook in olive oil.

Yogurt: It is an excellent source of calcium and protein. It aids the person to lose weight. Studies have reveled the individuals who consume plenty of calcium, do not find difficult to lose weight. Yogurt can also be consumed in breakfast by adding the any fruit in it.

Cinnamon: It is a wonderful spice. Even a sprinkle of cinnamon on different meals helps to control the blood sugar level. The cinnamon ingredients help in using the insulin even more efficiently.

Studies have revealed that 1/2 teaspoon of cinnamon daily can help to treat the Warning Signs Of Diabetes.

So go ahead add the above mentioned 10 Healthiest Foods into your diet and start to control the level of blood sugar.

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Managing Your Diabetes Chart

In managing your diabetes chart, you should keep a complete listing of your medical conditions and all of your medications, copies of all of your lab-test results (get a copy at each visit or ask the laboratory to send you a copy), any informational handout or instructions your team, a list of the names and contact. Information for all the members of your diabetes care team, and a list of any question you may have about your diabetes. You even include calendar sheets with all your medical appointments noted.

In managing your diabetes chart, you should keep a complete listing of your medical conditions and all of your medications, copies of all of your lab-test results (get a copy at each visit or ask the laboratory to send you a copy), any informational handout or instructions your team, a list of the names and contact. Information for all the members of your diabetes care team, and a list of any question you may have about your diabetes. You even include calendar sheets with all your medical appointments noted.

It is of crucial important that in managing your diabetes chart, you should include a complete and accurate list of all your medications and the strength and does of each one. Be sure to include all your prescription items as well as any nonprescription medicines, vitamins, minerals and herbs you take. You may be seeing more than one doctor, ant it is important that each one knows what the other has prescribed for you and what over-the-counter products you take so that together you can avoid dangerous interactions. It is also important for you to know what you are taking why you are taking it, and what side effects or warning signs may occur. It is after all, your body, and you shouldn't put anything in it that you don't understand. Be sure to note in your chart any side effects or unusual symptoms that you suspected may be connected to your medications. This way you can inquire about them the next time you talk to your doctor.

It's also very helpful to make a running list of question you have about diabetes so that you can ask your team. Jot them down as they occur to you often under the pressure of limited time or nervousness during the appointment, you can easily forget questions that otherwise seemed so clear in your mind the previous day. Prioritize your question so the most important question is answered first. If you are unable to complete you list, informed you doctor so that you can make another appointment to get answers to the remainder of your questions.

Make sure to prepare for each visit the night before the appointment. Don't forget to bring your chart as well as your blood glucose meter and your log books. Remember, you are the general in charge of your care. Take time to focus and assemble the personnel and resources you need to accomplished your mission. That mission -care of your diabetes and yourself -is a mater of life and death.

Diabetes patients have always been bothered by possible diabetes control means that will enable them get on with their life. Here are few:

• Dietary management: In general principle, dietary measures are required in the treatment of all diabetic patients in order to achieve the overall therapeutic goal.

• Endeavour to exercise yourself as much as possible.

• Then grab the much talked about DIABETES CONTROL MADE EASY. A safe, natural, and effective ways you can manage and even fully recover from your diabetes in as little as 90 days... and so that you never have to take insulin again, or have to suffer painfully dull diets even again!

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Diabetes Complications

There are two significant events that take place when glucose remains above 140 mg/dl over extended periods of time. The first event is the formation of advanced glycated end products, also known as AGEs, and the second event is oxidation.

Have you ever looked at a freshly baked turkey and noticed how the skin has turned a golden brown and become stiff and crispy? Well that is an example of glucose combining with protein in an oven at 350 degrees Fahrenheit, to form advanced glycated end products. In the human body, glucose combines with protein in the same way but is barked in the temperature of 98.6 degrees Fahrenheit. The development of this long-live products occurs in everyone and accumulates with aging. For people with diabetes, who have evaluated glucose levels these AGEs form at an accelerated rate. As the AGEs accumulates, the protein in your body thicken, become brittle, and no longer slip and slide as well. This is the cause of some of the shoulder pain and stiffness of the joints people who have poorly control diabetes. More seriously, the accumulations of AGEs affects the blood vessels of the kidney, eye, feet, and large blood vessels of the body, causing complications.

The other event that occurs at an accelerated rate in diabetes is oxidation. Oxidation is the process that causes rust on cars. Similar damage occurs naturally in the human body. When your body breaks down glucose for energy, by-products called free radicals are made. These free radicals add oxygen to everything in sight, damaging cellular tissue. It is as if your bloodstream and blood vessels are rusting out. As this "rusting" continues, it damages linings of your blood vessels and causes various tissue in your body to malfunction. If glucose levels are evaluated, high numbers of free radicals are formed and more rusting," or oxidation occurs.

Diabetes patients have always been bothered by possible diabetes control means that will enable them get on with their life. Here are few:

• Dietary management.

• Regular exercise of the body.

• Then grab the much talked about DIABETES CONTROL MADE EASY. A safe, natural, and effective ways you can manage and even fully recover from your diabetes in as little as 90 days... and so that you never have to take insulin again, or have to suffer painfully dull diets even aga

Four Simple Secrets to Help Lower Your Blood Sugar Levels

When you received your type 2 diabetes diagnosis, unless you were aware this condition was in your family background, you were surprised and shocked. Did you then start to look for complicated solutions? Well, let's make a start with a few simple steps.

Whether you have type 1 or type 2 diabetes, you need to be aware of the sugar value of what you eat. It makes no difference whether you are on medication or not, this is vital in order to maintain as healthy a lifestyle as possible. And to help you control your blood sugar levels and keep them in your ideal target range.

Secret No. 1: The first secret is so simple and yet so many people don't think about it until they are forced to do so. Read the ingredients listed on everything you buy to eat and drink. It doesn't matter if you are at the supermarket, buying takeaway food or going out to a restaurant for dinner.

You can always find out the sugar content and make your decisions based on what you read.

Secret No. 2: This secret ties in with the first, and is simply to reduce the amount of sugar that you have in your food and drink. You can replace sugar with a substitute in your tea and coffee... Stevia is a natural herb several times sweeter than sugar and is often used as a sugar substitute by diabetics.

Lots of products vary in sugar content depending on the manufacturer, so It is wise for you to use your discretion in choosing which ones are best for you:

  • soft drinks, juices and cordials vary in sugar content too... remember drinking one glass of fruit juice is equal to eating several pieces of fruit and contains natural sugar
  • most drinks have a diet or sugar substitute product that you can choose

You can even buy sugar free candy and chocolate... so you don't have to feel as though you are deprived of all the goodies you were eating prior to your type 2 diabetes diagnosis.

Secret No. 3: is to completely cut some of the products high in sugar (high-GI) from your eating plan. Sugary confectionery, cakes, sweet biscuits and other foods made from processed ingredients can be put aside.

Most pre-packaged and takeaway meals are high in sugar and fat... to appeal to your taste buds and encourage you to come back and buy more.

Secret No. 4: Many diabetics have a "sweet tooth" and like to have a piece of candy to suck on. Sucking candy often helps to relieve the feeling of a dry mouth... substituting candy with sugarless mints or chewing gum should relieve this situation and help stabilize your blood sugar levels.

There is no nutritional value whatsoever in refined sugar... it just helps to raise your blood sugar levels

Are you looking for effective ways to manage your type 2 diabetes?

To download your free copy of my E-Book, click here now: Answers to Your Questions... its based on questions many diabetics have asked me over recent months.

Beverleigh Piepers is a registered nurse who would like to help you understand how to live easily and happily with your type 2 diabetes.

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